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My Top 5 Natural Remedies For Battling The Winter Sniffles

The transitioning of the bitter cold to the rainy spring, leaves a window open for the post winter sniffles BUT there are plenty of ways to stay protected. These remedies have never failed throughout my childhood so I intend to pass my knowledge onto you beautiful people.

Garlic nice as a flavour but in an abundance can be very STRONG… but boiling this in the morning before breakfast helps clear mucus and is a natural antibiotic. Which means it helps protect your body from the common cold. For the brave and the bold some decided to chew the whole clove which is a different level of defence for the body. A bit off topic but never the less relevant high doses of garlic appear to improve blood pressure of those with known high blood pressure.

The next one believe it or not is water, it helps flush out toxins in the body and keeps it hydrated. As the majority of your body is made up of water its only right you keep it topped up.

A big contender and my personal favourite is fresh ginger root boiled or cooked into food. Proves to have amazing depth of fiery flavour. The perks of the lovely root ginger could surprise you. Ginger has a long history of use for relieving digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness and pain.

The old tradition peppermint leaf, small but really does pack a minty punch. I must prefer this in the form of a tea but you can get it as an essential oil. The peppermint essential oil gives a cooling sensation and has a calming effect on the body, which can relieve sore muscles when used topically. It also has antimicrobial properties so it can help freshen bad breath and soothe digestive issues. The tea similarly to the oil improves digestion, reduces pain, eliminates inflammation, relaxes the body and mind, cures bad breath, aids in weight loss and boosts the immune system.

Sweet sticky honey, was as a child a pleasure to consume whilst one was ill. It's taste making it easier to consume. Honey contains antioxidant, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that fight against virus, bacteria, and fungus to treat the cold and it's underlying symptoms. It helps to soothe a sore or scratchy throat naturally and relieves irritation.

I hope all of the above will help you fight the winter blues and leave you embracing spring in a positive light and in great well being.

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